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The Frank R. Howard Foundation

A non-profit organization whose mission is to establish, promote and support programs that maintain, as well as improve, health care for the community of Willits and the entire Northern Mendocino County area. We strive to ensure that quality medical services remain an integral element of the region through an acute care general hospital.

The Frank R. Howard Foundation was established in 1966 with the objective of retaining high-quality hospital services in Northern Mendocino County. As owners of the Frank R. Howard Memorial Hospital facilities the Foundation strives to assure that a hospital will always be available to those in need of an acute care facility.

(click here to read more)

The Northridge earthquake of 1994 generated a great deal of attention regarding the seismic safety for all acute-care hospitals in California leading to state laws endorsed by legislation and state policy action, specifically SB1953. Frank R. Howard Memorial Hospital’s (HMH) 80 year-old existing facility . . . (click here to read more)

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Frank R. Howard Foundation

For information, please contact:

Arnie Mello, Executive Director
Three Marcela Dr., Ste. A

Willits, CA 95490

Telephone: (707) 459-2777

FAX: (707) 459-2625



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Make a Donation


to support the Foundation's efforts toward building the next phase of the medical campus or for a particular project you would like your donation to fund.

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